Stellar Lumens (XML) Digital Crypto Currency

Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Market Cap – $9.34 Billion

Token Price – $0.522

Brief Explanation – Digital Currency For Financial Technology

What Is Stellar Lumens? – Stellar is a bridging currency similar to Ripple except that it is a not-for-profit project.

Who Are Stellar Lumens’ Competitors? – Ripple

Unique Selling Point – Stellar have announced impressive partnerships with IBM and KlickEx to create a payment solution for the financial technology industry

Extra Point – In our review of Stellar, we highly praised Stellar’s impressive technology, the not-for-profit nature of the project and many other aspects. This is something that we believe most of the market has overlook – similar to Ripple – and could cause a crash in prices once the market does notice.


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