Bitcoin Gold (BTG) Digital currency

Bitcoin Gold (BTG)

Market Cap – $4.61 Billion

Token Price – $275.4

Brief Explanation – Digital Currency

What Is Bitcoin Gold? – A hard fork of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold is a currency designed to reduce the centralised mining power as seen in the Bitcoin network over the network through the introduction of a new mining algorithm known as Equihash

Who Are Bitcoin Gold’s Competitors?– Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash etc.

Unique Selling Point – The mining algorithm known as Equihash which aims to reduce the centralisation of mining seen with Bitcoin. 

Extra Point – It should be noted though that Bitcoin Gold has encountered many problems already including a controversial pre-mine, forking without a working blockchain and a wallet hack. Considering this currency is so new, the number of issues is very worrying to us and we believe that it’s high position in the market could be more related to its association with Bitcoin than through the project’s own achievement.

Extra Point #2 – This isn’t really an extra point but we wanted to clearly highlight our opinion on this occasion – 

we are staying well clear of this project


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